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Nature4Cities studied pioneering experiences to create a Nature Based Solutions projects observatory


Dernière mise à jour : 26 févr. 2020

One main purpose of Nature4Cities upcoming platform is to propose a Nature Based Solutions (NBS) project observatory containing first pioneering experiences and later extended to other cases that won't all have a pionneer feature.

The first step was to define the specifications and components of this NBS observatory.

The notion of "pioneer" itself, which is a pillar concept of this observatory has been defined. Two main values are attached to this notion: the novelty of the projects and their success.

Nature4Cities, especially targeted projects whose originality brings new knowledge and experience lessons.

Then, we collected data on potential pioneer cases, selected the relevant ones and gathered documentation about the selected NBS pioneer cases.

An analysis grid has been produced to document the relevant cases.

A set of 44 projects in 9 different countries was selected to feed the starting version of the NBS pioneer project database.

Mapping of the projects obtained after the selection process

The Geocluster4NBS, a precious tool helping you choosing the most suitable NBS considering your local context

The NBS observatory and NBS database will be consulted through the Geocluster4NBS, using a pre-selection tool. This tool is composed of an open online data repository gathering context data for the implementation of NBS projects throughout Europe, which is linked with a georeferenced visualisation interface. It supports decision making for choosing which NBS to implement, by selecting a context and some project specifications. Related NBS fact sheets allow to get more information about the NBS implemented in each case.

By offering a way to visualize the pioneer projects database and to select references for future projects, the NBS project observatory will contribute to kick-start a collective learning process to foster creative and visionary urban design in re-naturing cities. It will help securing an equitable distribution of the multiple benefits that city re-naturing entails to various stakeholders - including citizens - at different scales.

By developing an integrated evidence base and a European reference framework on nature-based solutions, it will create a global market, new business opportunities, growth and jobs, and a green economy.

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