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The environmental concept of NBS has recently been identified by the E.U. as a strategic frame to help the development of sustainable cities.

Nature4Cities is one of the two research program selected and funded by the European Union  in order to build a common ground for “NBS & Re-Naturing Cities”, through the H2020 Research and Innovation Programme.


Coordination and support action

Multi-stakeholder dialogue platform to promote NBS to societal challenges


Valuing nature: mainstreaming natural capital in policies and in business decision-making

Strategic research agenda

Consolidating research about ecosystem services, biodiversity and natural capital

Land-use and -management


Knowledge and learning mechanism on biodiversity and ecosystem services

Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services

Research and innovation actions

New governance, business, financing models and economic assessment tools

Operationalising insurance value of ecosystems

Inter-relations between climate change, biodiversity and ecosystem services

 Innovation actions

Demonstrating innovative NBS in cities


Large-scale demonstrators on nature-based solutions for hydro-meteorological risk reduction

Visionary and integrated solutions to improve well-being and health in cities

Strengthening international cooperation on sustainable urbanisation: nature-based solutions for restoration and rehabilitation of urban ecosystems

Copyright © 2017 by Nature4Cities

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730468

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