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NBS Demo-forum: Nature4Cities tools, methods and guides to renature cities

Dernière mise à jour : 9 sept. 2020

On December 10th, Nature4Cities organized a public event which was a forerunner of our upcoming platform.

Thanks to an interactive demo-workshop, participants were about to meet the consortium, discover and react on the tools developed.

Stephanie Decker from Nobatek/INEF4,

Nature4Cities project coordinator,

gave an overview of the project and its

Nature4Cities platform will help users answering the questions that policy makers, experts (profesionnals and researchers) and citizens address when it comes to Nature Based Solutions (NBS), at several levels of a project:

· How to build a NBS project?

The platform will help gathering knowledge about Nature Based Solutions and get inspiration from pioneer cities.

Marjorie Musy from Cerema, scientific director of the project, presented the scientific basis on which we build the knowledge underlying our platform tools. Watch her presentation here.

To share the knowledge collected and created by Nature4Cities, you can visit our

To get further inspiration, you can visit our

You will also be able to follow the field testing of our tools on real NBS projects on the

of our blog!

For example, we used drones to get high quality imagery of nature and water proximity in our pilot cities.

Click on the video to discover our work on this matter,

supported by our consortium partner Eurecat

· How to assess a NBS scenario?

N4C platform will help policy makers and professionnals (urban planners, architects, building constructors etc.) assessing their NBS project on all aspects: quality of life, social acceptance, costs and benefits, life cycle analysis, choice of spots in the city…

Already existing tools have been adapted to NBS and new tools were created. They will be combined to give you an integrated access to NBS assessement. Here is an overview of these tools:

Greenpass - developped by Green4Cities - that

makes the impacts of NBS on the urban environment

visible, measurable and comparable.

Colouree tool, that allows to analyze any property surroundings in a city and rate their suitability for NBS

Epesus - developped by Ekodenge - a tool providing

big data management and decision support for

districts or cities to promote circular economy


NBenefit$ - developped by LIST - a (geo)tool for monetary and biophysical valuation of NBS ecosystem services

· How to implement a NBS scenario and involve citizens?

When it comes to fieldwork, new obstacles can arise. That’s why we also build some tools to support NBS projects holders on their relations with citizens, to choose a business and governance model and to interact with citizens of the neighborhood.

We are currently working at a pre-selection tool

- coordinated by Tecnalia - allowing to choose the most suitable NBS with the most suitable Implementation Model together with the cultural, social, economic and regulatory local conditions and requirements for the successful implementation.

Yvette Jeuken, from our consortium partner

Duneworks presented our Step-byStep guide for

participatory & socially inclusive Nature Based

Solutions projects. It gives citizen and stakeholder

engagement strategies and tools for NBS

We also presented a module, developped by our consortium partner Innova Integra, called Citizen's Say, a tool that allows planning, structuring and managing collaboration and consultation processes and workflows, gathering data and analysing results . Learn more here.

An integrated platform to bring all these tools together

All the tools developped in the scope of Nature4Cities will be accessible in a knowledge and assessment integrated platform. Susana Martin Toral from Cartif presented our advancement.

An interactive event

During the event, we collected feedback from the participant about the tools. We have still one year left to refine the tools, so feel free to share your needs and wishes with us!

screenshot from our live-poll on the expectations of the participants

Follow the project results on our webpage and on our blog!

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