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Welcome to Nature4Cities blog


Dernière mise à jour : 26 nov. 2019

You are interested in Nature Based Solutions (NBS)?

You would like to discover pionnering NBS initiatives and pilot projects?

You would like to get breaking news about the what is currently ongoing in the european NBS ecosystem?

You would like to follow the platform construction until completion? You would even like to feed it and test it?

This blog is made for you!

Here you will find :

> Information about the outcomes of the project and schemes facilitating the appropriation of the scientific data produced by the project

> Explanation and feedback about the experimentations conducted in the pilot sites of the project (edible forest in Alcala de Henares ; ecological recreation and education area in Ankara ; renaturation of quarries in Milan ; ecological corridors with inner city parks in Szeged)

> Feedback from international events and workshops related to NBS

We wish you compelling reading!

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Copyright © 2017 by Nature4Cities

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730468

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