In order to tackle urban challenges like climate change, renaturing cities is at the heart of current policies, but was also identified by companies as a strategic frame to reach their carbon neutral objectives.
Meanwhile, the concept of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) is gaining increasing importance, and the multiple benefits they represent in the face of current challenges no longer needs to be proven. During the last five years this has been demonstrated through several NBS research and innovation action projects launched by the European Commission, such as Nature4Cities.
While the benefits of NBS are now fully recognised, the novelty of the concept and the complexity involved in implementing these solutions leads to many concerns and doubts that may hinder NBS development. Nature4Cities proposes to remove potential barriers by
building knowledge, adapting urban planning tools to include new governance, business and financing models, and incorporating new integrated assessment models to facilitate NBS design and implementation.
Beside to the tools offered in our platfrom, to go further in seeking to fill the gap and provide guidance all along NBS projects from planning to implementation, we designed a White Paper that answers eight major questions:
•• How to identify where best to address your city’s challenges with NBS?
•• How to choose a suitable NBS to meet your city’s urban challenges?
•• How to guarantee my NBS project has a real positive environmental impact?
•• How to guarantee my NBS project has a real positive impact for citizens?
•• How to grasp the economic impact of my NBS project?
•• Which stakeholders can contribute to the success of my NBS project?
•• How to build adapted governance for my NBS project?
•• How to build a sustainable business and financing model for my NBS project?
This white paper is divided in 5 chapters:
> Nature-based solutions (NBS), a new approach to face current urban challenges
> Need of technical supports to foster projects to renature cities
> Support the decision making during an NBS project design
> Ensure the proper implementation of an NBS project
> One-stop shop for spreading NBS knowledge and decision-making support
This last chapter is not limited to the results obtained in the project and also offers other relevant works and complementary tools that provide various answers to stakeholders looking for decision-making support for their NBS projects.
Le guide existe aussi en français !