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Thematic publications

In this section, you will find thematic papers and academic publications written in the scope of the Nature4Cities european project.

The Impact of Façade Orientation and Woody Vegetation on Summertime Heat Stress Patterns in a Central European Square: Comparison of Radiation Measurements and Simulations

Noémi Kántor, Csilla Viktória Gál, Ágnes Gulyás, and János Unger

published in Advances in Meteorology

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[TR] Innovative Practices and Trends for Sustainable Cities

Dr.Özge Yılmaz, Duygu Başoğlu, Beril Şenyurt, Emre Yöntem

published in TMMOB Chamber of Environmental Engineers -
Environmental Science and Technology Journal


Integration of ecosystem services into a conceptual spatial planning framework based on a landscape ecology perspective

Javier Babí Almenar, Benedetto Rugani, Davide Geneletti, Tim Brewe

published in Landscape Ecology


LCM at the Urban Scale: BIM and Nature Based Solutions

Antonino Marvuglia, Benedetto Rugani, Germain Adell

published in Designing Sustainable Technologies, Products and Policies


Metal Contamination in Urban Soils: Use of Nature-Based Solutions for Developing Safe Urban Cropping

Ryad Bouzouidja, Dorine Bouquet, Antoine Pierart, Muhammad Shahid, Cécile Le Guern, Liliane Jean-Soro, Camille Dumat and Thierry Lebeau

published in Bioremediation of Agricultural Soils


Simplified performance assessment methodology for addressing soil quality of nature-based solutions

Ryad Bouzouidja et al.

published in Journal of Soils and Sediments


Nexus between nature-based solutions, ecosystem services and urban challenges

Javier Babí Almenar, Thomas Elliot, Benedetto Rugani, Bodénan Philippe, Tomas Navarrete et al.

published in Land Use Policy


How to evaluate nature-based solutions performance for microclimate, water and soil management issues – Available tools and methods from Nature4Cities European project results

Ryad Bouzouidja, Patrice Cannavo, Philippe Bodénan, Ágnes Gulyás, Márton Kiss, Attila Kovács, Béatrice Béchet, Katia Chancibault, Etienne Chantoiseau, Pierre-Emmanuel Bournet, Rania Bouzidi, René Guénon, Thierry Lebeau, Marjorie Musy, Fabrice Rodriguez,

published in Ecological Indicators


The effect of green roofs on the reduction of mortality due to heatwaves: Results from the application of a spatial microsimulation model to four European cities

Antonino Marvuglia, Rembrandt Koppelaar, Benedetto Rugani

published in Ecological Modelling


Other publications

In this section, you will find other kind of publication highlighting the Nature4Cities european project, such as conference proceedings, posters, webinars etc.

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Radiation conditions at a central European square in a hot summer day – a case study from Szeged, Hungary

presented during the

AMS (American Meteorological Society) 97th Annual Meeting 2017


A flexible multi-scale system dynamics modelling framework to assess the socio-economic impact of urban GI

presented during  GreenInUrbs Conference 2017


[HU] Nature4Cities: A természetalapú megoldások (nature-based solutions) alkalmazási lehetőségei a várostervezésben

presented during  the 7th Hungarian Landscape Ecology Conference

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Relevance of urban trees and sun shades regarding summertime heat stress reduction: field surveys from Pécs, Hungary

presented during the

21st International Congress of Biometeorology


Re-Naturing the City: Nature4Cities Project to Elevate the Concept of Nature-Based Solutions

presented during 

Sustainable Places 2017


How to use Nature Based Solutions in urban planning Systems in Europe?

presented during the 10th Interrnational Conference on Urban Climate 

New-York, USA - 2018


Agent Based Analysis Approaches for Nature Based Solutions - The case of green roofs

Presented during Proceedings of the 35th PLEA Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture - Planning Post Carbon Cities. University of A Coruña, Portugal

Copyright © 2017 by Nature4Cities

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730468

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